Look down, not up…

 Whenever I am tricked into watching programmes such as The World’s Most Expensive Yachts, or Rich Pig 2022 or You’ll never be able to afford this if you worked until you were 256 Celebrity Edition, I inevitably come away feeling a bit down. 

It can be annoying to have all of the worlds riches stuffed in your face with no chance of ever buying them. Almost like another excuse for the super rich to laugh at us. Well, digressing slightly, but my message is - Eat the Rich, I can’t wait to see what they taste like. However it is easy to come away from these experiences feeling inadequate. This is understandable in our money driven, consumerist society. Digressing again- combat this with minimalism- which again is another story and other blog post. 

I see people in both anger and awe when they see the riches of footballers, pop stars and film stars. People gaze at an Aston Martin screeching past in the street, wrestling with the notion that they’re impressed but also know that barring a lottery win, they’ll never afford it. 

We catch ourselves looking up and comparing ourselves to people richer than ourselves- people of a higher status. We’re constant stretching for the apple that is just out of reach. In reality it can manifest itself as debt, credit card bills and a massive headache as people continue to keep up with the Joneses no matter of the cost. 

My advice if you want to feel richer financially is to not look up in society, but look down. Consider their life. Maybe they’re on a lower salary, maybe have less skills. Maybe they don’t have a car. It might just make you feel a little more grateful and teach us to stop rejecting our own life to chase something you perceive to be better. It might make you realise how lucky you are and actually that your situation isn’t so bad after all. 

Maybe then, when Worlds Most Expensive Handbags comes on, itself of watching to self punish, you may turn these shows off, feel more comfortable in your own skin, not needing to see the terrible wastefulness paraded in these programmes. You don’t need to compare yourself to silly artificial ideals created by unscrupulous advert men to relieve your wallet or purse of its contents. You are good enough. 


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