Back to work

 Back to work today. The break was nice- a week off in the sunshine and sometimes rain. Ate lots of food that’s bad for me, but bad is good. Even had a few drinks. Alcoholic. 

Old place hadn’t changed much. Same old blue corridors. How long would they be blue for I wondered. 

I stepped over the yellow painted step and into my room. I could tell the person who’d painted it had really taken a pride in it. So pristine. So precise. You could definitely see they’d used masking tape- the border edging was so neat, so defined. This was the work of a real tradesman. I wondered for a second if they’d given it two coats instead of the customary one. With the heavy traffic clattering over it I guessed it must have been two. At least two. Maybe even three. This would mean it would have taken three days to completely dry as well. It must have been done over a break. 

I didn’t think about it again. I just went into my room and opened my shutters with the wall key. The yellow was very Hacienda 


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