Be generous- a tiny story

 The town was beset by a terrible famine. There was no food for the people. No one had any money. Well, almost no one. There was a big hill and on top of the hill lived a mean old man. He had stacks of money. He kept it all in crates and counted it ever day. He loved money and only money. He had been married, but his wife left on account of his Scrooge like ways. Even his own children left him alone. 

The townspeople often came to beg for money- but his answer was always the same. A firm no. 

A new man moved into town. He also had lots of money. But this man was different. He always smiled. When people begged for money, he shared it. He shared so much that he gave all of his money away and made the townspeople very happy. 

He’d saved their lives and whenever he needed help, there were many people to lend a hand. He lives in luxury forever. 

When the cruel man grew older, his money couldn’t help him. It was useless. Nobody would help. When his house cracked, nobody helped. When he was sick, nobody helped. When he was dying, nobody heard his calls. He died alone. 

Meanwhile the generous man lived a long happy life, with lots of friends and with a big family 


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