THANK YOU- what is so difficult????

 The one  thing that really gets on my nerves is when people don’t say thank you. There I’ve said it. It is the most annoying thing on planet Earth. Not to mention the rudest too. 

It simply boils my brain when people refuse to say thank you! Have their mothers not raised them right??? 

How can they think this behaviour is justified or justifiable?! 

Do they think they are above me and therefore that I do not deserve a thank you? 

We’re not talking huge gestures here. I only expect a little head nod- or even a little hand raise! Is a hand raise too much for some people?! 

How could you be so arrogant to not say thank you? How could you be so insensitive? How could you be so unkind? Honestly! 


I was on my evening walk when someone or some people- refused to say thank you after I let them pass… one of them was a policeman! I hope it made him feel big. Can’t say I ever wanted to join his majesty’s constabulary anyway but now… I will actively DISCOURAGE people from joining! See how they like that! 

If you are out in the wild and someone lets you in or out, or holds the door for you, or let’s you go first… just say thank you. It’ll save me a lot of heart ache and angst


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