Knightmare Childrens ITV

If you remember Knightmare, you must be as old as me and watched the same tv shows! I remember running out of school on a Friday afternoon- safeguarding children’s welfare was pretty lax by modern standards- jumping into the car and begging my mum to get me home as quick as possible…. Just in time for Knightmare. Had I waited all week for this show? Maybe. Am I getting overexcited about this show as a 38 year old man? Quite possibly. But I do remember Knightmare being the shizzle. Set in Middle Ages England, presided over by Treguard- a man who looked suspiciously like Stephen Fry but wasn’t- Knightmare was a computerised science fiction game show set 500 years into the past. You had to complete mini challenges and puzzles in order to progress to the next room. The twist was that the person in the ‘game’ was wearing a sodden style helmet which completely covered their eyes. Thus they had to be guided by their team which was usually four nerds from Birmingha...